March 7th Vote

Article 36

Castleton – moving forward or status-quo?

On Tuesday the voters of Castleton and Hubbardton will vote to fund the former CVS building for the fiscal year 23-24. The $90,519 is a hefty amount, but one that will make Castleton  and the surrounding area a better place to live and keep it moving forward.

In recent history, Castleton voters have invested in our town by building a new fire station, a new Town Office, improvements to the sewer lines, sidewalks at the corners and more proposed to link the village, improvements to the demo shed at the Transfer Station, and a new salt shed. I can’t be sure there are more improvements that I have missed but you’ll get the point. I realize that some of these projects had some grant funding, but securing grants will be hard to do if the Town does not own the building.

However, not once have the voters been asked to support town recreation with a big money item. For over 50 years, Castleton Recreation has not had a building to call its own. Recreation has happened because parents have stepped up and volunteered to run programs for their kids and others have volunteered to run adult programming, and a sailing program. Recreation Commissioners have worked countless hours from their home to organize and ordering materials for programs. In March, the voters approved funding for a full time Recreation and Parks Director who need a building to work from.

Isn’t it time that we invest in our future and get Castleton recreation on solid ground?