Adult Pickup Basketball

Event Date: 
Friday, April 7, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

March Madness has spilled into April! Every Friday this April (7-8:30pm), the gym will be open for adult pickup basketball.

Free, fun, casual pickup games. Residents and non-residents welcome. New players are always encouraged to join in; we see new faces each week! 

Registration is required in order for Castleton Rec to know how many people are coming and to capture required liability waiver signatures. If you know you'll be there, sign up in advance or register on your phone right before entering the Rec Center...just don't forget! Register here:

A recommended donation of $5 is appreciated if you plan on attending any (or all!) of the 4 Friday sessions. Donations used to fund Adult Recreation programs. Refunds not accepted.