May is National Water Safety Month

Enroll your child(ren) in the swim program at Crystal Beach this summer. Contact the Town of Castleton Recreation Department for more details.
Safe Swimmer Pledge

May is National Water Safety Month (NWSM). One of the goals is raise public awareness about water safety and highlights the importance of public education regarding safer practices for kids and adults when they’re in and around water and this most certainly includes swim lessons.

According to Connie Harvey, director of the Aquatics Centennial Initiative for the American Red Cross, "National Water Safety Month is a powerful way to send a crucial message at the start of the busy summer swim season." “There are layers of protection involved in water safety. Ensuring everyone in the family learns how to swim and that parents and caregivers have the knowledge and skills to handle emergencies around the water, including how to perform CPR is a good place to start. National Water Safety Month helps us communicate these messages, said Harvey.”

The Safe Swimmer's Pledge

#BeWaterAware & Take the Safe Swimmer’s Pledge

Research shows that we're more successful at meeting goals when we join forces with others. Join the movement to reinforce the importance of water safety. Take the pledge, spread the message, and become an advocate in your community today.

“I’m a Safe Swimmer” Pledge:
I pledge to never swim alone.
I pledge to never play or swim near drains or suction fittings.
I pledge to always jump in feet first.
I pledge to obey the pool rules.

For a reminder of your pledge, download the Safe Swimmer Certificate.

International Water Safety Day – May 15

International Water Safety Day is designed to help spread global awareness of the ongoing drowning pandemic and educate youth in becoming safer in and around water. May 15 is a day to spread drowning awareness and water safety education by any means possible. Register to host an event and access free resources here.