Flood Warnings

Snow melt is causing some road closures in the county
"Turn Around, Don't Drown!"


  • A few flood warnings continue this evening, but river levels are receding and no new flooding is anticipated tonight.
  • The potential for an impactful and long duration system is increasing for Saturday night into early next week, with a heavy wet snowfall and minor flooding possible.
  • The first part arrives late Saturday into Saturday night with a mix of snow and rain, with the greatest probability of 4 inches or more of snowfall occurring across the higher terrain of the northern Adirondacks and along and east of the Green Mountain Spine.
  • Given marginal temperatures this will be a highly elevational dependent snowfall.
  • The heavy wet snow could cause isolated to scattered power outages on Saturday night into Sunday.
  • Second part of the system arrives late Sunday into early next week with a prolonged upslope accumulating snowfall likely. The exact snowfall amounts and duration will become clearer over the next couple of days.
  • Given high river flows from recent rainfall and snowmelt and additional precipitation this weekend,  minor flooding is possible.

Please see the attached briefing for more details.


Flood | Avoid Impacted Areas (Avoid Floodwater-Dangers Hidden; "Turn Around, Don't Drown!") (fema.gov)


A reminder: These e-mails are to help prepare you for upcoming weather events and to increase your situational awareness, but are not the source for weather warnings.
Closely monitor future forecasts via www.weather.gov/btv (or NWS Albany at www.weather.gov/aly for Bennington and Windham Counties).

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us 24/7 via:
1. Telephone: 802-863-4279 or 802-658-0150
2. Email: nwsbtv.info@noaa.gov
3. NWSChat for eligible & registered users at https://nwschat.enterprise.slack.com/

