Make a payment on your time! New payment option available!

We now accept ACH debit payments through HeyGov!
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We are extremely excited to announce that we are now able to accept ACH Debit payments through HeyGov! The maximum fee is $5 per transaction charged by the service provider. Credit or debit card fees are 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction (in person, they are 2.7% plus 5 cents). All fees are shown prior to you confirming your payment. 

As a reminder, you can view your account status even if you choose not to make a payment. You will also be able to view any payment history you make online. (Any payment made directly through the office will not be shown, however, the balance will be updated each month - on or about the 10th of the month.) 

You will need to have an email address in order to access your information on HeyGov. You can access this through our website (, click pay bills) or download the HeyGov app on your mobile device and search for Town of Castleton in the list of municipalities. 

If you have any difficulty navigating the site, please feel free to stop by and see Christine to walk you through the process or answer questions.