22/23 Fiscal Year nearing the end

Tax and Sewer subject to 8% penalty plus interest if not paid by June 30.

4th quarter property tax and sewer were due May 31st. Any outstanding balances not paid by June 30th will be subject to an 8% penalty plus .75% interest. Reminder notices were mailed June 16th. 

If you sent a payment on or before June 12th and it has not cleared its possible that you have an incorrect mailing address. Please be sure to send all payments made payable to Town of Castleton, 263 Route 30 North, Bomoseen, VT 05732.  Double check your online bill pay as you will need to manually update the mailing address through your bank. They do not automatically update it for you. 

If you would like to make a credit/debit card payment, please visit www.castletonvermont.org and click pay bills.  There is a convenience fee set by the service provider, for tax payments - VISA debit only $3.95, all other(VISA credit/MC/DISC debit/credit) 2.5% and for sewer payments $4.95 debit or credit

Payments can also be made in person during office hours, 8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday or by using the drop box on the front of the building. 

Be sure to include your parcel id and property address for faster processing. 

Any questions, email tax@castletonvt.org