December Meeting Minutes

Regular Monthly Meeting 12-5-2023
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Castleton Recreation Commission 

Castleton Recreation Center

December 5, 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Members Present: A. Lee Stockwell, M. Clifford, M. Hall, M. Ryan

Members Absent Excused: N. LaFrancois, Mary Droege

Zoom: none

Other Attendees: none

Call to Order 5:41

Approved December agenda as submitted M. Hall motioned, M. Ryan 2nd. Minutes approved as submitted M. Ryan, M. Hall 2nd

Old Business

3-4 boys’ basketball practice has begun. The team has 13 players and practice 2-3 times per week until January. Games begin in early January and end in late February.  3-4 girls’ basketball practice will begin mid-December with some being scheduled for Saturday. Games will begin early January. Games will start at 5:00 and 6:00 for both teams, respectively. M. Ryan has ordered shirts for both teams and they should be in before Christmas from Initial Ideas. K-2 basketball will begin in January.

No report out on the Grades 5-6 Game & Rec Night scheduled for November 10th.

Department Updates (as necessary) - None

Programming Update

No new programming has been scheduled in December. There is interest for an indoor adult soccer pick up program which will start in January.

Update on CVS Building

            The water has been removed from the oil tank. There was approximately

            1500 gallons of fuel oil left in the tank. There has been an oil delivery which

            should cover the next two months.

New Business

M. Clifford has assumed the day-to-day checking of HeyGov for submitted Rec forms. She will approve/deny any programming necessary and create necessary registration forms for upcoming programs

Executive Session – not needed

 Adjourn 6:35 A. Lee Stockwell motioned, M. Hall 2nd