May Meeting Minuites

May 3, 2022
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 3, 2022




May 3, 2022

Meeting Minutes

Members Present: N. Lafrancios, A. Niklasson, M. Hall, M. Clifford, M. Parsons, M. Ryan,

M. Parsons, M. Droege, (Zoom) 

Members Absent (excused): E. Lebrun,

Directors Present: A. Clapp 

Public in Attendance: B. Lanfear

Call to Order 5:35

May agenda approved with no changes (M. Hall and M. Ryan) and April minutes (A. Niklasson and M. Hall) were approved with the following changes; spelling correction Kreiter to Kretzer (Pg 1 second paragraph), change kids to boys (pg.1 second paragraph)

Directors’ Report

The two programs this summer are the sailing camp and tennis. Additional programs may be offered through the Castleton Adventure Camp starting July 5th.

Department Updates (as necessary) 6:00

Youth Sports

Castleton has 2 major, 1 minor baseball and 1 Tee ball team registered in the RCLL. There is one softball team for this season. There has been some negative parent feedback about registration and cost issues with RCLL. There is a $10 increase in this year’s baseball registration fee.

Athletic Fields: All fields have had a spring cleanup and are now being used.

Crystal Beach – nothing to report

Swim Program – nothing to report

New Business/Ideas to Pursue 6:15

The subcommittee for the CVS’s/Rec future will attend the bimonthly meetings and report back to the CRC.

Adjourn   6:50 pm M. Droege motioned, N. Lafrancois 2nd