Assessor Department

The Assessor Department consists of a part-time professional Assessor and Assesor Clerk. They have charge of determining the value of all taxable property in the town at 100 percent of fair market value. The tax rate is based on this and is set by the Select Board  to raise the money to pay for all town services and schools.

Taxpayers wishing to grieve (appeal) their assessment may do so by sending a letter to the Assessor indicating the reason for their grievance.  The Assessor will hold a grievance hearing for those taxpayers who wish to contest their appraisal(s). Their decision may be appealed to the Board of Civil Authority.

A copy of your Lister card, which contains essentially all the information we have regarding your property, can be acquired from the Assessor Department at the Town Office.  You can then advise this office if any of the information on the card needs correction or updating.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Vacant . Assessor Clerk
Mary Jo Teetor Assessor (802) 468-5319 ext. 209